

最近研究健康的議題, 難免對一些名詞有些混淆, 嘗試整理摘要如下:
(1)   健康(health)是個很大的議題, 1948 4 7 日生效的世界衛生組織《組織法》的序言定義"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." 此可見,健康是指身體(生理)、精神(心理)及社會(社交)都處於一種完全安寧的狀態,而不僅是沒有疾病或虛弱。
(2)   健康的產業範圍很廣, 可以分為生病前的health promotion(健康促進), 生病過程中的disease management(疾病管理)medical, 以及生病復原的 healthcare (健康照護)
(3)   非醫療機構可以從事的主要是health promotion, WHO1984Ottawa渥太華憲章將健康促進定義為(廣義):「使人們能夠化其掌控並增進自身健康的過程」(Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health.)
(4)   健康促進與疾病預防是一體兩面, WHO Healthy people 2000---National health promotion and disease prevention objectives,其主要內容如下:營養 (Nutrition),  (Tabacco) , 酒及其它藥物 (Alcohol and other drugs),  家庭計畫 (family planning), 體能活動與體適能 (Physical activity and fitness), 心理健康與心理失調 (Mental health and mental disorders), 暴力性與虐待性行為 (Violent and abusive behavior),  教育性與社區組織性劃 (Educational and community-based programs)
(5)   健康促進的範圍內, 體能活動與體適能 (Physical activity and fitness) 是其中的一環。根據 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services1996),體適能包括:心肺耐力(cardiorespiratory endurance)、肌肉耐力(skeletal muscular endurance)、肌肉力量(skeletal muscular strength)、肌肉爆發力(skeletal muscular power)、速度(speed)、柔軟度(flexibility)、靈敏度(agility)、平衡力(balance)、反應時間(reaction time)及身體成分(body composition)。
(6)   影響體適能的主要因素可以歸納為三個成分, 生活型態, 飲食與運動。
(7)   運動和體育活動, 都是sports, 根據2011/7/6公告, 2012/3/1施行的運動產業發展條例第四條 (運動事業及體育團體之範疇),運動產業,指提供民眾從事運動或運動觀賞所需產品或服務,或可促進運動推展之支援性服務,而具有增進國民身心健康、提升體能及生活品質之下列產業:包括一、運動用品或器材製造業。二、運動用品或器材批發及零售業。三、運動場館業。四、運動用品或器材租賃業。五、運動設施營建業。六、運動表演業。七、職業運動業。八、運動休閒教育服務業。九、運動保健業。十、運動行政管理服務業。十一、運動傳播媒體業。十二、運動資訊出版業。十三、運動博弈業。十四、運動旅遊業。十五、其他經主管機關認定之產業。

因此, 大概來說, health > health promotion > fitness > sports > sports application; 類似endomondo 之類的運動社群,可以說是運動休閒教育服務業, 跨足運動用品或器材批發及零售業與運動保健業。


Mobile Apps, Watches and Apparel Will Spur Outdoor, Sports and Fitness GPS to $2bn in 2016

LONDON - March 10, 2011
In a new study, ABI Research has forecast that a combination of smartphone applications and device shipments will drive the next big trend in the GPS market.
This has always been a niche market, with limited competition. However, Garmin's Outdoor and Fitness division represented 40% of the firm's total 2010 operating income, with fitness watches at the forefront of this growth. This is becoming a very important market, and with the PND market in decline, it will become a vital segment to address for many companies.
Senior analyst Patrick Connolly says, "The GPS watch market has yet to hit the mainstream, with form factor, pricing and awareness remaining major barriers to uptake. TomTom and Nike are the forerunners of a wave of new design, marketing and retail channels that will help to bring these devices to a wide public and generate significant revenues." The forecast influx of watch, apparel and electronics companies into this space over the next three years will remove these barriers significantly. Meanwhile, the GPS cycle computer and golf caddy markets continue to show growth with a huge untouched installed base to address.
On the mobile front, applications from Nike, Runkeeper, Fullpower, Groundspeak and others have been hugely successful. ABI Research believes that this is only the tip of the iceberg for these applications, with downloads set to increase more than tenfold by 2016. Further, they will help to catalyze the hardware market, driving awareness, uptake and cross-selling.
Practice Director Dominique Bonte adds, "The mobile health market is also beginning to take shape, reflected in the recent announcements from Sprint and BodyMedia. This will provide a secondary driver for growth over the next five years."
"Recreational, Outdoor, and Fitness GPS Solutions" compares the hardware and software revenue for key GPS sports, outdoor and fitness markets, illustrating how these will evolve together. Covering running, cycling, golf, recreational, geocaching and others, the report clearly defines how hardware and electronics manufacturers, sports apparel companies, network operators and application developers can be successful in this space.

手機健康app 市場前景佳

Smartphone Health Applications Will Exceed $400 Million Annually by 2016

LONDON - November 23, 2011
​The sports and health mobile application market will grow to over $400 million in 2016 - up from just $120 million in 2010. Much of that growth will be spurred by the ability of mobile handsets to easily connect to wearable devices that in turn can deliver new functionality, accuracy, and appeal to sports and fitness applications.
As the mobile handset adds new ways to access and support healthcare applications, it will become increasingly important within the healthcare market, including home monitoring systems for aging users, personal emergency response services, and remote healthcare monitoring applications. However, sports and fitness will dominate the mobile health application market.
"Downloadable apps are moving the sports tracking device market from proprietary devices to mobile phones, but adoption has been limited by the data they can collect. However, with the connectivity that Bluetooth Smart will embed in mobile handsets, wearable devices will bring greater detail to mobile handsets," says Jonathan Collins, principal analyst.
Handset connectivity to wearable devices brings a new dynamic to the sports monitoring market. Athletic equipment players have already moved to support handset applications by either using proprietary or battery-draining traditional Bluetooth wireless. Meanwhile, traditional players such as Garmin, who recently launched its first handset application for this market, and Polar have delivered high-end specialist systems. Over the next five years, these players will increasingly have to compete directly with the mobile handset. They will also face a slew of start-ups and new entrants offering applications, online communities, and wearable devices offering a range of applications and services.
"As applications increasingly become part of a bundle that ships with wearable devices, revenues from mobile applications will lag behind the growth in app downloads. Mobile application downloads will actually grow at nearly twice the rate of revenues between 2010 and 2016, with more than a billion downloads annually by 2016," says Collins.
ABI Research's report, "Mobile Devices and mHealth," examines the issues driving mobile handset adoption in sports and healthcare applications. This includes forecasts for mobile application downloads, wearable devices, wireless connectivity, regulation, and regional adoption for the next five years.

資料來源: ABI research website: http://www.abiresearch.com/press/3815



彰基鹿基分院建構健康管理平台 漫步雲端健康管理更方便  Date::2012/05/17

來源: 彰基新聞稿 2012.5.17

SKT SNUH合資推動行動醫療

資料來源: http://www.enterpriseinnovation.net/content/sk-telecom-snuh-bring-ict-driven-innovations-korea-healthcare?page=0%2C1
2012.2.8 by enterprise innovation editors

Health Connect, a joint venture between SK Telecom and Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH), was officially launched recently with the goal of developing futuristic healthcare convergence technologies and enhancing national welfare by reducing social cost due rising healthcare expenses in Korea.

Ha Sung-Min, President and CEO of SK Telecom said, “The official launch of Health Connect Co. Ltd. marks a good starting point for SK Telecom and SNUH to join hands to bring ICT-driven innovations to the healthcare industry. SK Telecom will provide the best support and make all-out-efforts to produce successful results in its new, long-prepared healthcare business. With cutting-edge ICT and top-class medical professionals, Health Connect is well positioned to serve as a pioneer in the field of futuristic healthcare services both home and abroad.

Besides the launch of a joint venture company, SNUH and SK Telecom co-developed Mobile EMR (Electronic Medical Record) and medical self-diagnosis applications in 2011 to accelerate the realization and export of ‘Smart Hospital.’ Moreover, plans are ahead for the two companies to create a customer-oriented medical environment by building smart ICT systems within hospitals this year.

Since signing the joint venture agreement on Oct. 10 2011, SK Telecom and SNUH have closely worked together to promote healthcare business. The two parties have completed creating the organizational structure (i.e. business, technology, strategy, new business development, etc.) of the joint venture firm and recruited all needed employees in just three months. The joint venture is established with a capital of KRW 20 billion.

The name ‘Health Connect’ represents convergence between the core capabilities of the two companies: SNUH’s expertise in medical technology and knowhow and SK Telecom’s strength in ICT and network operational knowhow. In other words, Health Connect is established with the purpose to realize Smart Mobile Health that connects all stakeholders of medical services including patients, medical professionals and patients’ families to medical equipment and healthcare system anywhere, anytime.

Moreover, the name symbolizes the company’s management philosophy under which it is committed to realizing longer and healthier lives for people by using the integrated medical information for disease prevention and treatment as well as effective health management.

In line with the outlook that healthcare service will move towards the direction of 'disease prevention and health management” and will face transformation through “ICT-based innovations,” Health Connect defined three main pillars of business: Development of a self-health management service model; export of ICT-based digital hospitals to overseas markets; and establishment of an integrated R&D system for the advancement of the Korean healthcare industry.

Health Connect plans to develop a health management service model centered on wellness in 2012, followed by a pilot service conducted jointly between SK Telecom and SNUH within the same year

Lee Chul-Hee, CEO of Health Connect said, “Healthcare costs are rising dramatically due to the aging of population and without thorough preparation, it will become a huge national burden. By offering ICT-based healthcare, Health Connect will allow people to prevent diseases and manage their health, which will in turn contribute to reducing social cost and enhancing national welfare.”

He continued, “As the pace of adoption of IT in the medical industry has been slower than that of other industries, the combination of SK Telecom’s world’s top level ICT and SNUH’s medical technology and knowhow will accelerate the advancement of the Korean healthcare industry, making it strong enough to be exported to the global markets. Health Connect will create a new type of Korean Wave in the field of medical services and thereby boost national competitiveness.”

Jung Hee-Won, President and CEO of SNUH said, “The establishment of Health Connect is especially meaningful as countries around the world are pushing to realize IT-based convergence healthcare, making it all the more important for us to timely develop innovative healthcare service models while securing a leadership position in the field of futuristic convergence healthcare technology. Health Connect will serve as an important cornerstone that offers new direction and opportunities for the healthcare industry by taking Korean medical services to the next level.”

SK Telecom MWC 行動健康的展示

SK Telecom showcases Smart Health at MWC 2012
Connected Health Solution is a remote chronic illness management solution based on DSSH (Decision Support System for Home-healthcare) platform. The patient's self-measured bio-information is sent to SK Telecom's DSSH platform through mobile devices. Then, using this information, the doctor in charge and hospital service center offer customized health care information and remote consultations to effectively support patients manage their chronic illnesses.
M-prescription is an electronic prescription platform that automatically sends hospital prescriptions to pharmacies. The use of electronic prescriptions instead of paper-based prescriptions will help save natural resources; significantly reduce keying errors; and prevent leakage of personal information caused by improper management.

Location: 8A147, Hall 8
Contact: press@sktelecom.com

Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJKZdv_g7C0


【香港.2011年11月7日】電訊盈科率先推出全港首個「e体健」雲端健康數據管理服務,讓客戶簡易地將健康數據透過雲端技術以無線方式上傳、儲存、及隨時查閱。目前「e体健」支援的健康設備包括計步器、血壓計及心率計,客戶可透過個人電腦或eye2 Tab*查看圖表以用作分析,更設有個人化健康提示功能,隨時輕鬆掌握健康狀況。

現時,「e体健」雲端健康數據管理服務支援的健康設備由世界知名的電子產品品牌製造商歐西亞(Oregon Scientific)製造。為提高服務質量,「e体健」將不斷加入健康設備的種類,並與世界其他知名品牌合作。
有關服務詳情,歡迎致電「e体健」熱線+852 2888 0660,親臨電訊盈科專門店或瀏覽網址eSmartHealth.com。


台北體重管理APP新服務 免費線上營養諮詢
台灣好新聞╱台灣好新聞 2012-05-29 15:54  記者王郁淳╱台北報導


此套APP是個人健康體重管理的隨身行動日記,提供體重控制者記錄飲食、體重及運動管理,另有線上報名體重控制班服務、減重鼓勵獎章功能。民眾可至台北市政府衛生局網站「健康體重管理專區」下載,或至Apple App StoreGoogle Play下載、安裝使用。如果100年度曾經報名或至「健康體重管理專區」上網登入台北市健康減重活動的民眾,可以使用原本帳號密碼登入「台北體重管理APP」。 



健康管理處 健康促進股


以前要查詢台北市登山步道的詳細資訊, 往往找不到, 今天才發現台北市體育處的運動地圖資訊網, 做的還不錯, 詳細URL 如下:
包含12個運動中心, 自行車道, 登山步道等, 都有完整的資訊。其中比較有特色的, 是可以下載河濱自行車道的詳細地圖, 以及詳細的登山步道相關資訊。例如要到大崙頭尾山親山步道健行, 這個網站提供地圖, 前往路線: 1.捷運士林站下車,轉乘公車255至「大崙尾步道口站」下車。 2.捷運圓山站下車,轉乘公車213至「大崙尾步道口站」下車。步道動線: 中社區登山口→(0.38K 17)產業道路→(0.49K 16)大崙尾山→(0.56K 16)打印台→(0.6K 19)大崙頭山登山口→(0.53K 20)大崙頭山打印台→(0.23K 10)森林木棧步道口→(0.84K 22)碧溪產業道路登山口。也有照片輔助。

這個網站和部分地圖資訊由環友科技股份有限公司 http://www.utk.com.tw/ 製作提供。


以下這個網站, 提供很完整的運動熱量計算對應表。

Exercises, sports and activities are listed below, showing calories burned per hour (energy expended) for a 130, 155, 180 or 205 pound person. The amount of calories expended is influenced by many factors, including body weight, intensity of activity, conditioning level and metabolism.

In addition to the List of Calories Burned During Exercise, Sports, Activities below, see the activity specific pages for Cycling, Running, Walking,Swimming, Aerobics, Dancing and a variety of Work, Activities and Hobbies.


這個網站提供一些台灣運動賽事的資訊, 非常好用, 但是以鐵人, 健行,慢跑為主。
關於登山健行活動, 則著墨較少。
這個網站, 也評比了一些運動app, 如 runkeeper, endomondo, mapmyrun 等, 有些資訊很實用。
網站URL: http://www.sportsnote.com.tw/



中華民國路跑協會Chinese Taipei Road Running Association     
台北市大同區昌吉街552206 Tel. (02)25855659  

台北縣新店市中興路二段100171 TEL: 02-8919-3595







運動男女有別 男增女減少

運動男女有別 男增女減少2011-1-19  作者:史倩玲












過重男性 運動比例高









散步     31.1%
慢跑     25.5%

棒球    55.1%
籃球    32.7%
足球    5.2%
網球    5.1%
撞球    4.9%大部分的台灣民眾都熱衷於觀賞棒球與籃球運動,從第三名的足球以後,觀眾人數的百分比就只剩下個位數,到第十四名的摔角,更是只剩下不到百分之一。