今天在誠品書店看書, 看到經絡能量療法, 回家後google, 發現這位Walter Black的網站與部落格很有趣, 摘錄如下:
Walter-Black: Meridian Energy Therapist & Trainer in London
Walter-Black 在他的網頁中提到:
“Nothing is confused except the mind.” Rene Magritte
Therapy has not always been a part of my life.
I, like you and most others, did get caught up in the rut of the real world with its stresses and strains in the workplace, and yes, it did have its effect on my life and on my health. You know what I am talking about. This is when I decided that enough is enough, and I continued on the healing path, which started with Reiki many years ago. This then took me further to complete courses in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as well as Kinesiology.
My sensitive, spiritual nature and calm persona drew me to the healing world, where I was able to help others find their own solutions by opening their hearts and accepting, thus dealing, with the issues troubling them. I want to be of service to you by doing something I love and am passionate about.You know what it is like to feel out of sorts, anxious and stressed...
You just wish the days would turn to nights so that you can fall asleep and forget about things for a while.The only problem is that the sun does rise again, and with that there is a new day ahead, usually with the same troubling issues raising their ugly heads.I know exactly how and what you are feeling. I have been there…
My ultimate goal is to make you aware of internal stresses you may not even be aware of, which could be the cause of your symptoms? Clearing these blocks and stresses will allow for self-reflection and stimulate your body to heal itself, moving you into a happier future.